Last updated albums - 2010 |

(01/03) The Today Show (Bastidores)176 viewsFeb 01, 2013

(14/06) Jimmy Kimmel – Especial Eclipse300 viewsJun 11, 2011

(12/06) Acess Hollywood199 viewsApr 07, 2011

(01/03) Com Judah Friedlander nos bastidores de Late Night131 viewsFeb 11, 2011

(12/06) Bastidor da Press Janket de Eclipse153 viewsFeb 11, 2011

(02/03) The Daily Show211 viewsSep 16, 2010

(18/05) Ellen Degeneres467 viewsAug 29, 2010

(15/06) Jay Leno Show267 viewsAug 09, 2010

(12/06) Extra TV com Lauren Sanchez201 viewsJun 16, 2010

(05/05) Oprah 403 viewsMay 17, 2010